Even though the weather was quite hot we were lucky enough to have had some good cloud cover and quite a breeze which helped.
We were in a beautiful park in Kensington Gardens, Adelaide, South Australia.
Estimates varied, however the were upwards of two hundred people attending. Huge thanks to Lynton, Glenda and Jill (and I'm sure others as well) for the amazing amount of effort these guys went to to organise this for our very special friend, one Terrance Michael O'Laughlin.
Getting a group photo however was a quite "interesting" task. However in the end we managed to have everybody stand still for a couple of minutes for the shot below. And also a huge thanks to my new friend Pam for taking the shot. Wasn't she clever.... :)
These images are just a teaser for what is to come. In a few days I'll have up the other images I took, from which the "original" images can be downloaded for printing if you wish. The new images will be very much larger than these images, suitable for printing.
PS Clicking on the images here will bring up a larger image. Although not as big as will be shown in the next few days, which will have significantly more detail in them. These images (shown here) have had to be greatly compressed to be shown on the web site, this process causes a lot of detail to be lost unfortunately... sorry:)
Pete H.
A great day. Photo looks great. I look forward to seeing the rest. Thanks for your efforts with the photos. A Pahl
Yes we had a great day. Wonderful to see the many different directions people have taken since school. What a great photo! Look forward to seeing the rest of them Thanks Pete. Anita Pahl.
Great photo Pete - was that your lovely new friend Pam that assisted as you are in the photo?
O oh ... big boo boo. Sorry Pam :) Thanks for helping. And yes you are that lovely new girlfriend who helped big time. But the name 'anonymous' is too hard to spell :)
it was a ripper /lyntons saying/ of a day i had a ball catching up with people i have not seen for 40 yrs it was unreal some of them if they never had name tags i would not known who they where but my class just got greyer and thiner on top us fellows not the girls some never aged that much ha ha anyway cant wait for the next one great phots pete STEVE FRANCIS
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