Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Windows Live Writer

With another go at this software I've now discovered that it really could be quite useful. The KI entries below have been done with the tool. Now I can refer back to the associated flickr image albeit with a bit of mucking around.

Shearing on KI

I takes quite some skill to throw a fleece successfully. This woman made it look easy .....

Taken at a shearing shed on Kangaroo Island, South Australia. The guys were really very friendly. A VERY tough bread. Shearing is exceptionally hard work and so is being a shed hand!!

Picture taken with the 17-55 Nikkor F2.8. Not my favourite lens but very close. The shed was very dark so I had to open up and and breathe very slowly :) Looks better on a big screen.

Alex and his "Snook"

Alex caught a "Snook" from the Kingscote Jetty at night. Well and truly legal size. It fought very well. Alex said "Heck Dad it scared the heck out of me"

Trip to Kangaroo Island

We spent part of the last school holidays with friends over at Kangaroo Island. A top spot. Here are some pics ...

Claire fishing at Emu Bay. The beach is sublime...


Saturday, September 20, 2008

To the Adelaide Zoo with Claire

This is a test of Windows Live Writer to my Blog site. I'm not sure what it adds in value but considering the price it's worth a try.

Today while Alex is with his Youth Group friends, Claire and I decided to go to the Zoo to get out of the house at least for just for a little.

Although the day was cool, a bit windy and often overcast I did manage to have a go with the D200 and the 70-200 (love that lens). There is one "problem" with this camera. It is that the shots always look ok on the LCD on the back of the cam however they sometimes disappoint when looking at the shots on my monitor when I get home. The disappointment comes when the shots are really too shallow in depth of field or there has been some cam movement. Today was a classic at this. Because of the often overcast conditions I had the cam wide open and with too slow shutter resulting in images less than ideal. I should have taken the tripod I suppose. One learns which is the whole idea of these excursions for me.

For many of the shots I was surprised at the shallowness of the DOF. A bit of a bugger actually.

However I did manage to scrounge a few that are not too bad... I've uploaded them to my Flickr site so I'll have go with Live Writer to see if I can insert a couple here... nup. They don't link back to flickr or size too well so these two have been added while in Flickr. Bit of a pity.

Friday, September 05, 2008

Locks Well storm

Locks Well storm
Originally uploaded by Ngarkat
This shot will be shown on the Adelaide ABC news (weather segment) at 7:25pm Saturday 4th October.

Blanchtown Lock

Blanchtown Lock
Originally uploaded by Ngarkat
This shot will be shown on the Adelaide ABC news (weather segment) at 7:25 pm Wednesday 29th October.

Claire in her usual mood ... happy!

I know this is probably one of the greatest clichés that can only come from a parent. However I am truly one the luckiest Dad's in the world! Claire has an extraordinary sense of humour (with great timing) for her age (10). I must write down some of the lines she comes out with, things I would not have even dreamt of saying at that age.

She is very happy 99% of the time. Always active, always friendly. Arguably too grown up for her age.

To see her playing away, usually singing quietly to herself is one of life's greatest pleasures for me.

Claire trying hard ....

Claire trying hard ....
Originally uploaded by Ngarkat
Almost a great shot. If I keep on shooting I'll get "that" shot eventually.

Claire's team has been "promoted" up two divisions as they have been walloping their peers. They now play in a division with year five's which is proving to be a real challenge. They lost this match by just three goals. Not bad considering the age difference. The "Rose Park Ravens" really do have some great little players and the games are actually very good to watch.


Originally uploaded by Ngarkat
Pic taken with my favorite lens, the 70-200 2.8 Nikkor. Cam on +1 over and still Alex is a tad dark.

Saturday, June 07, 2008

Alex keeping the ball out

More soccer shots may be found on my flickr site at http://www.flickr.com/photos/ngarkat

A family day out ...

with sensational weather. What a great day out at the kids Opa's place at Aldinga! Around 10 acres of room which is great for the kids to ride around on.Fortunately no injuries. The bikes are just ideal for an almost fifteen year old and for an old fart like me.Claire screamed a lot but she said she really loves going for a ride.

Alex on his DT175

Alex on his new bike!

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Alex ....

Finally able to catch him still for bit ...

Monday, March 10, 2008

Claire & Friend

Claire had a friend over for a sleepover.

We had some fun where the girls dressed up for a "fashion" parade and to give me some play time with the D200.

I've no idea where she gets her make-up skills from, however at nine years of age I think she has done a great job.

Shot with natural light against a large window with a brilliant white sheer curtain.

D200, 17-55mm Nikkor, f4, 30th at ISO200 mounted on a Manfrotto tripod.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Plane tree leaves

Alex & Claire are at their Opa's for the week so today I came home to an empty house. As I sat having a refreshing beer during a very pleasant evening, I noticed this light.It's just so nice to have time to myself and not have to be rushing around making dinner etc. Soothing!
More images like this are available on my flickr site...

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

A very busy Bee

Sheeze these guys are busy, especially on such a windy day.

Star burst?

Staying in a very old style old shack (very small, no power etc) in the Coorong National Park, South Australia. This flower is from a bush planted by the owners of the shack in an effort to revegetate the area from local native bushes. I've no idea what the bush is but it has a spectacular display of small flowers as seen here.

Coorong at a low moment

This is an HDR image of the Coorong near Long Point located within the Cooorong national park.
Note the low "tide". I'm not sure that it really was low tide or a combination of wind and the fact the Coorong is really suffering at the moment due to a long lasting and very severe drought effecting the Coorong from low out falls from the Murray river.

Coorong in composite

I've been playing around with High Dynamic Range (HDR) imaging within Photoshop. This is the result of merging 9 photos each .7 stop apart, taken on the D200 with the 17-55 DX Nikkor mounted.

Early morning in the Coorong

Lonely moon at the Coorong

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Claire concentrating ...

Claire happy sewing

Sewing has been able to keep Claire happy during the holidays. She has been busy making bags, belts, pillows even a shirt for her doll. She is rapidly running out of material.